340B Pharmacy Services: Improving Access to Life-Saving Medication

Healthcare is an essential part of reducing HIV transmission, which is why Chicago House considers it a pillar of the agency’s work. Chicago House’s Pharmacy Services Program supports the work of the agency and reduces barriers for clients to stay retained in care. With the support of Judy Perloff, chief program officer, Chicago House launched the Pharmacy Program in 2016.

Established in 1992, the 340B Drug Discount Program improves vulnerable and uninsured patients’ access to prescription medications by offering discounts through partner pharmacies and clinics. For Chicago House, 340B  presented a unique opportunity for clients to support the agency, and a way to support Chicago House’s Ryan White programming.

Unlike similar pharmacy programs at other agencies, the program with Chicago House is opt-in for clients. This requires active discussion with clients, and often presents the decision to change pharmacies. For many individuals impacted by HIV, they have maintained close relationships with those engaged with their medical care, so changing pharmacies can be a tough decision. However, the opt-in model at Chicago House empowers clients to make their own decisions regarding their medical care and their support of the agency.

Fred Myrick is the director of Pharmacy Services, and began his work with Chicago House as a case manager in 2015. Over the years, he has led the expansion of the Pharmacy Program, ensuring that more and more clients have access to the medications that improve their quality of life.

 “For individuals living with HIV , pharmacy relationships are built over time, as they are receiving life-saving medications,” Myrick explained, when asked to describe the work of Pharmacy Services. “Clients who do switch, find that they love the pharmacies we work with.”

Myrick explained that for one client, who has multiple medical needs, interacting with the pharmacy program is a joy. This client could be receiving their medications by delivery, but instead chooses to visit, talk to the pharmacist and maintain the relationship that they have.

In response to the changing nature of the 340B program, Chicago House recently implemented a strategic growth plan for the Pharmacy Services Program. This includes promoting the program within the agency and maintaining interdepartmental relationships, so clients and staff alike are informed. Early efforts resulted in an increase in clients, which supports both their medical care and Chicago House through 340B funding.

The Pharmacy Services department also addresses barriers to prescription access for clients. This includes connecting with pharmacies as well as confronting the additional needs of clients through financial assistance. Myrick describes that, “There’s no one big story, but we make small differences that mean the world to our clients.”

This has included providing for needs not covered by insurance, such as canes and batteries for an electric wheel chair. It also encompasses broader client needs, such as past-due rent. Myrick also shared the story of a client with small children, who experienced hardship when their air conditioning unit broke during a heatwave. Because this client was living with asthma, the heatwave presented an additional threat. Chicago House was able to provide a hotel stay for this family while the air conditioner was replaced.

The Pharmacy Services Program also provides quarterly gift card incentives for clients who regularly pick up their prescriptions.  Myrick said that he gets reminders of the important work he does when acknowledgement letters are mailed back with a “thank you” note from clients.

Looking to the future, Myrick hopes that 340B participation continues to grow at Chicago House. He knows that there are innovations taking place, such as injectable options PrEP, though the company currently restricts access. Myrick hopes to utilize a relationship with Chicago Infectious Diseases in order to support access to new medications, such as the injectables, as they become available.


Read more about the Chicago House Pharmacy Program.

Chicago House